You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 4, 2008.

I’ve got a cold. A stinky, nasty, rotten one. I’m not happy about this. My face hurts. And I volunteered to make some Proper Scones (my Welsh grandma’s recipe and yes they are good) for the kids and their friends who are here. So I don’t have time to post.
I just have a quick question for you all. This is my first real cold since we arrived last summer. I took my old standby, Sudafed, and noticed that it did nothing. Really, it would be more cost-effective just to drink a glass of water, and have the same effect of my cold symptoms.
Apparently, the ingredient that used to actually dry up snot can also be used to make meth, so they took it out.
Meth is a real problem here in Portland, although not so much out here in the ‘burbs where we’ve ended up for the year. When we stay with Heather, who lives in SE Portland, it’s common to see gaunt young men stroll, twitching, down the street, one of the reasons why her “mom-radar” is more highly honed than mine.
So, what do you take for a cold anymore? I’m taking ibuprofen and drinking tea and I’ll drink juice once Donn gets home from the store. Any other ideas? What works?

January 2008

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A Perfect Post – January 2007

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